Dr Dina Barbian
Managing Director, Expert Sustainability Management
Anton Bujanowski
Design, Web & IT
Fériel Guemedji
Political Science
Gaston Dossou
Sustainability Management
Expert panel
Ines Bauer
Sustainable nutrition
Karlheinz Bender
Sustainable energy management
Peter Brandt
Work and organisational design
Marina Braun
Energy and sustainability consultant
Thorsten Ducke
Energy management and regional site development
Dr Andreas Hantsch
Energy technology and sustainability
Jordanos Hedrit
International construction, environment and energy
Dr Mario Keiling
Sustainability reporting
Stephanie Kickert, Dipl.-Kffr.
Strategy expert for sustainability + communication, CSR manager
Kerstin Knabenbauer
Sustainable personnel and health management
Sara Kukovec
Sustainable construction and property industry
Christian Mankel
Sustainable Finance, Impact Investing
PD Dr habil. Stefanie Voigt
Smart Humanities
Berivan F. Zerze
Sustainable corporate management and social media
Heidi Zucker
CSR Manager