Berivan F. Zerze
Berivan F. Zerze completed her Bachelor’s degree in Business Information Systems and her Master’s degree in International Management and has been working for the Institute for Sustainability as a freelancer since December 2021. She supports the Institute in communication work on ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) and in social media marketing.
She has several years of professional experience in the implementation of complex digitalisation projects in internationally operating companies. This gave rise to an awareness of the urgency of sustainable development.
She is therefore not only professionally but also privately involved with social-ecological and participatory transformation. She is a committed member of the sustainability and climate movement Nuremberg for Future and works at the Chair of Sustainable Corporate Management at the Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg as a research assistant and teaching assistant.
Berivan F. Zerze focuses on the topic of sustainability in corporate management and deals with the question of how companies and organisations can integrate sustainability in their strategy and in their core processes, which measures they should derive from this and implement in order to thus also achieve their sustainability goals. It offers advisory and support services such as sustainability strategy workshops, market research and SWOT analyses for companies and organisations that want to align themselves sustainably.