Peter Brandt
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Brandt is a mechanical engineer and has been involved in work and organisational design since his diploma.
Since the end of the 1980s, he has been a consultant on the further development of working and cooperation, especially in manufacturing companies. At that time in connection with “CIM”, today with “Industry 4.0”, one of his focal points is the relationship between living work and computer use. Employee participation is particularly important to him, so that the knowledge, skills and demands of those involved are appropriately incorporated.
For two and a half years, Peter Brandt was responsible for an occupational health and safety project in the People’s Republic of China as an employee of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, GTZ GmbH. The project involved setting up a measuring system for hazardous substances at workplaces. He was able to gain experience not only about China and about intercultural cooperation, but especially in connection with his own secondment. On this basis, he developed a consultancy offer for setting up branches in distant countries.