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Nabil Fatih

Mr Nabil Fatih has been working as a student trainee in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at the Institute for Sustainability since August 2021. He is currently studying for a Bachelor’s degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) in Regensburg.

He participated in the Mathematics Olympiad in Thailand, where he won a silver medal. He has a solid engineering background with a strong interest in the combination of artificial intelligence and environmental sustainability.

Besides his work at the Institute for Sustainability, he has a startup called Fibonacciku since February 2021, which is involved in education. He teaches mathematics and artificial intelligence for free to Indonesians around the world because he firmly believes that everyone deserves a good education for free. This is in line with the fourth Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 “Quality Education”.