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Preparation of CSR, environmental and sustainability reports in German and Englisch, in long form or as a short report

The various forms of reporting offer different advantages for companies. First and foremost, the processes in a company should be presented in a transparent manner. This offers the opportunity to better understand the triad of “economic efficiency – environmental compatibility – social responsibility”. 

Other reasons to introduce these aspects: Image gain, achieving an efficiency increase/competitive advantage, market requirement.

We offer sustainability reporting according to the following procedures:

    • GRI “Sustainability Guidelines“
    • ISO 26000 “Guidelines for the social responsibility of organisations“
    • German Sustainability Code (DNK)
    • UN Global Compact
    • OECD Guidelines
    • SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals (reporting according to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals including 169 sub-indicators)

We offer the following procedures for further non-financial reporting:

  • Environmental  management standard ISO 14001
  • EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme)
  • ISO 50001